Why we love playing outside in autumn and winter

It’s cold outside. It’s been raining a lot these past few days. But now the sun is shining again. Which is a pretty good moment to talk a little about outdoor play during the cold season.

When it’s cold outside, it can be very tempting to gather by the fireplace and hibernate for the winter. Some parents might fear that their children will not « like » being outside in the cold, or that they will get sick from being out in the crisp fresh air. But playing outside in autumn, winter, and early spring, each present opportunities to have fun, to explore, and to discover new facets of nature and our environment. There are good reasons to head outdoors in all types of weather.

My child will get sick if they play outdoors in the cold

Some adults associate winter with getting colds and illnesses such as the flu. However, contrary to popular belief, simply playing outside during the winter cannot cause your children to catch a cold. In fact, spending time in the fresh, chilly air can actually help reduce the risks of catching a cold. For one thing, you’re not all cooped up in a cramped, low-ventilation area exposed to other’s germs. For another, the cold weather may actually kill certain types of bacteria that can’t survive in cold weather. Playing outside in winter, children gain much-needed exposure to fresh air and Vitamin D, while avoiding bacteria.

See the outdoors through a new lens

We have loved the summer! We have started associating “the world” and “nature” with bright green foliage, flowers in bloom, and a warm climate. Now, as the change in season, children come to see different characteristics in their environment, such as brown grass, fallen leaves, and ice. If we are lucky, we can even check out the winter wildlife. What a change! The cold months provide children with new experiences and opportunities, such as learning about the seasons, and the life cycles of plants. Through outdoor play in the winter, children see their environment through a different lens.

The physical health benefits of outdoor play

Obviously, playing outdoors in winter promotes physical development and well-being (as it does in summer). This is because outdoor play involves the whole body when children run, jump, and exercise key muscle groups. Through activities such as climbing, jumping and running, children continue to support their gross motor development and overall health. And there is no room for a winter blues.

Are there more reasons? Definitely! Throwing leaves, playing in puddles, building a snowman sometime soon… But we thought for the sake of this article we start with the « objective » ones.