Mighty Minds





In our childcare centre, we create a safe environment, in which children can experiment and have lots of positive experiences.

This has proven beneficial for brain development and neuroplasticity, stimulating the establishment of synapses and neurological connections. And all of this helps build an agile, “mighty” mind.

The quality of the environment from the earliest age and the right experiences at the right time are crucial to brain development and are the foundation for later learning in life.





We create a safe environment, in which children can experiment and have lots of positive experiences.

This has proven beneficial for brain development and neuroplasticity, stimulating the establishment of synapses and neurological connections. And all of this helps build an agile, “mighty” mind.

The quality of the environment from the earliest age and the right experiences at the right time are crucial to brain development and the foundation for later learning in life.

Genes are the initial map of development, but it is the daily experiences and relationships of babies and children that literally shape their brains at an amazing pace every second every day.

Genes are the initial map of development, but it is the daily experiences and relationships of babies and children that literally shape their brains at an amazing pace every second every day.